It seems like I start every post by saying "what a wonderful family", or something of the like. However, it is so true every time I say it. I am so fortunate to meet some of the most wonderful people and this family was no exception. With super sweet parents and two adorable energetic little girls this family is surely another on my list of people I hope to cross paths with again.

Love the flying braid!
This little one was pretty shy at first......
but not so much after ;)
♥ sisters
Probably one of my favorite shots, I just love all the things happening in it.
So sweet together! Makes me want to squeee!
{May I also offer kudos to whomever it was that completed two sets of double french braids by 9am on two girls under 5?! Woah.}
I LOVE this shot of Mom and Dad. Just look at them together ♥
As I was heading back to my car I turned around while waiting for a walk light and saw this.... glad I turned back. Caught them on the bridge admiring the water below, or searching for fishies ;)