At the end of last summer I had the pleasure of meeting a wonderful family. I recall how at ease I felt photographing them and how easy it was to see how much they just adored each other. I was able to hang out and talk with them, being behind the camera didn't seem like much work at all. Not much longer after that I was invited back to do some extended family photos and met one of the former BFD Chiefs. The group was wonderful, easy to work with, and didn't mind me shouting out the shirt they were wearing in place of their names (because, well, I stink with names in groups like that). This February, I was invited once more into their home to document Gracie at one year. We had a great time hanging out playing and reading (she really loved the photo book from our first session and kept looking through it). It is funny what a difference just a few months can make. Gracie was just about walking, had many words in her vocabulary, and quite the outstanding personality. I really took a liking to her friend "Jean Luke" (who's name I have surely misspelled), the tiny bear who finds himself thrown out of the crib in Gracie's attempt to rally Mom and Dad. Above all, it was so nice to see everyone again and be reminded that there is nothing better than being home together. Many thanks to this wonderful family!

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