This month's blog party is appropriately themed "Mothers' Day". I struggled with this one (believe it or not). I did not even want to attempt to do mother/daughter photos of my daughter and myself. Getting one of us to look normal (no deer-in-the-headlights looks or scowling faces) is a challenge. Getting two of us in the same photo, at the same time, looking normal: mission impossible. So is parenting though. It is the easiest and most challenging thing in the world to do. I see mother's out there that magically fit into that role and have since the day the were born. They were MEANT to be moms. I see so many mothers out there carry themselves with grace and seem to get everything right. I am NOT one of those mothers. Oh how I wish I were. I make mistakes. I don't know how to do this. I have days where I feel all of my energy is maxed out and that I might be failing miserably as a parent. I have been given those looks in stores when Emma was young and would cry or throw fits and I had to simply let it ride out and essentially ignore her while I raced to finish up whatever shopping I could before someone called some sort of authority on us. It isn't all a trip downhill with no breaks however. Sometimes, I feel like I have gotten through. Like Emma has HEARD me. Or I have heard her. For instance, after her birthday celebration, she came to say goodnight to me and gave me a big heartfelt hug as she said "Mom, I have something to say to you; Thank you for making my birthday so special to me. I had such a wonderful time with just you and Dad having a picnic, shopping, eating cupcakes, and driving around". It meant so much to me that something so simple could make her feel so good. I have to be doing at least a little something right here. And so, I continue believing, that somehow, I am not a complete failure and I might just be better at this mom thing than I think.
This afternoon I managed to capture the (almost) impossible capture. Topped only by a few fantastic photos that Meg Hamilton of Rodeo and Co. Photography took at my wedding of Emma and I that I just adore to pieces (I think you know the ones Meg!).
Here they are, and it surprisingly did not take us nearly as long (I suppose because I wanted it to be over even more than she did!).
What a FANTASTIC grouping of photos of you and Emma! I LOVE them!