Sunday, April 22, 2012

April Blog Party | Earth Day

Happy Earth Day!

In celebration of our favorite planet, the one we all call home, this month's blog party theme is "Earth Day". We have all put our own take on it and mine is simply, things I love about this planet. I brainstormed for days thinking of projects I could do with my daughter that I could document. Unfortunately, much like our weather lately, there was nothing. No storms came. Instead, Friday morning I took advantage of my entrapment at home (I was waiting for a delivery) and headed out in the fields to photograph the very things that I adore about the Earth. Being an artist it is so easy to appreciate all of the natural patterns and textures of this planet and all it has to offer.

Along the brook......
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Please be sure to head on over to see what Thea of Authentic Eye Photography did to make meaning of this month's theme!

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