First snow of the year, right before Halloween! This photo session was given to one of my sister-in-law's co-workers for a birthday present so that she could get a few photos of the family together before her son headed back to Texas. Unfortunately, with some conflicting schedules we were still missing someone, but it was great to be able to get some shots of Pam and both kids before her son Journeyed back home.
Of course, I was still preparing for Halloween at home, but found this hiding in the woods while scoping out spots....
Of course, I was still preparing for Halloween at home, but found this hiding in the woods while scoping out spots....
To start, I had the ladies bookend this super cute bench (because we were certain this old bench wouldn't hold all three, it is really for looks rather than function, but thankfully it held up. Had anyone sat in the middle section by themselves or with anyone else, it would have been a disaster. I know, I almost wore the bench as a skirt when standing on it at one point...... lol. Thankfully I did not destruct their property).
Then we moved right along and did a few more shots of just the people. They had a great sense of humor and were a ton of fun to work with.
Having an older brother myself, I can totally relate to this one.....
Then it was time for the animals......
Just look at the face on this pup!
And this sweet old girl....
So beautiful.
And then this crazy guy came out to play! And wouldn't you know.... for the first time ever I had a goat try to eat my hair while I was looking through the viewfinder.
We were all freezing, but took advantage of the snow for one more group shot.
I had a blast joking around and laughing with this crew.
Of course, I found this one on the way out.....
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