Many fellow photographers can sympathize with gear envy. We've all had it at one point or another, even if we try our hardest not to (and not to admit it). It stinks, it brings you down. Especially after you have rented some kick ass gear. A couple weeks back I rented the D800 (FANTASTIC, it did everything I told it to and the images were exactly as I intended them to be). It was hard not to cry when I had to send it back and return to life with my now dull crop sensor consumer level camera with only one lens that I really love that is really designed for full frame cameras. After a good chunk of time spent pouting and feeling sorry for myself and my sad little two-piece (well, to be fair, I do own more than one lens, I just don't really care for the others much) show I finally pulled myself together and got ready for my next session. And I rocked it. And rocked my gear. I shot this entire session with my consumer level crop sensor camera and a 50mm lens. It was nothing short of amazing and beautiful and it is one of my favorite sessions yet.
Now about this fantastic couple.....
Amanda and Greg are recently engaged. They came to me through a myriad of mutual friends and clients (thank you guys, you all know who you are!). Though we've met before in passing at parties here and there, we have never really spent any time together. I had a great time getting to know the both of them. Greg is a firefighter and Amanda is very close to being a nurse (so close, like, less than a year!) so they already have a special place in my heart. I obviously appreciate those in the fire service and especially those who stand by them. And of course, I have a profound respect and admiration for those in the medical field. They are both super easy to get along with and be around and I had so much fun photographing them. I really hope that our paths cross again soon and that this time, we actually get to spend some time hanging out.
Many congratulations to Amanda and Greg on their engagement!